TeamForce News
Your staff can spend most of their waking hours at their workplace so how important is it for workplaces to be clean? Some might say very important, or extremely important. Others may think the quality of the cleaning at their workplace is more important than the number of times it is cleaned.
The cleanliness of a workplace doesn’t just affect your staff, it also gives off an impression to clients, customers and other external stakeholders. We all want our businesses to give off a good impression now, don’t we!
If your business is well presented, clean, tidy as well as hygienic, you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to make a good first impression, whilst looking after the wellbeing, safety and health of your staff at the same time.
TeamForce has over 25 years experience as a leader in commercial and industrial cleaning services. We also service strata and office cleaning services and are Sydney’s leading green cleaning company.
Let’s take a quick moment to consider some of the factors around the importance of a clean and hygienic workplace environment.
Commercial Premises
Commercial businesses such as those providing a good or service need to maintain a level of safety and cleanliness to give a good impression of their business to potential customers or clients. For example, a retail store with rubbish on the floor, dirty windows and surfaces or untidy products, doesn’t make for a good buying experience for the customer. If products are not organised and presented in a clear and clean manner, they are certainly not going to look attractive to a customer to enquire about or purchase.
Staff working in a commercial or office setting also perform much better when they feel safe and comfortable. Studies have consistently shown that employees are far more productive and efficient in a safe and clean work place environment.
We understand the nature of commercial and office cleaning for businesses in Sydney. TeamForce has a team of 80+ highly skilled and dedicated personnel who are commited to delivering high quality eco friendly cleaning solutions.
We can tailor bespoke commercial or office cleaning services exactly to your requirements.
Industrial Premises
When it comes to industrial businesses like the manufacturing sector, safety and health is of paramount importance also. A unclean workplace can be a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to form. Machinery and equipment that is not cleaned or looked after, can be an issue for staff and their overall health and wellbeing.
Keeping a level of high cleanliness through regular cleaning in the industrial sector, can keep health risks such as viruses and bacteria at bay. TeamForce specialises in industrial cleaning services for businesses in Sydney. We provide ongoing staff training so that you can rest assured that you receive best practices and up to date soutions.
These are just some of the reasons why it’s so important to maintain a high level of cleanliness, safety and hygiene for you, your business, your staff and your customers.
Contact TeamForce today to discuss your commercial, office or industrial cleaning requirements in Sydney, call: 02 9567 4526.